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A Constitutional Independence Day July 4th Celebration in Adams County

Car crashes through home in Adams County

Car Crash into a woman’s home July 3rd that led to the cancellation of the Gettysburg Parade

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July celebration for the birthday of our wonderful country, America.  Donald and I went canoeing and fishing at Cadorus, which in turn gifted us with some epic sunburns, but it was such a beautiful day I really don’t mind.

There was a lot of excitement in the area this Independence Day in Adams County.  The most talked about being the car chase Wednesday that canceled the Gettysburg Parade.  I don’t know the “why’s” of the situation, just that two young men (one a teenager) stole a Mercedes and police discovered them which caused the boys to flee into a car chase downtown.  I had heard rumor that this was connected with a PNC bank robbery, but saw nothing in the news today about that.

Regardless, they crashed into a woman’s home, injured her, and were both later caught.  It’s reported that they had weapons, but no confirmation on what kind or how many.  I heard on the radio this morning that the woman is in “satisfactory” condition at York Hospital, so I am glad to hear that.  I think most people are just happy this was not another Boston Marathon incident.


Todd on the streets of Hanover handing out Constitutions

Todd on the streets of Hanover handing out Constitutions

Some of the real news that you won’t see in the paper or online (aside from Gettysburg Wire), is a patriotic endeavor by local citizens to start handing out Constitutions in the streets of Hanover.  An initiative started by a classmate of mine, Todd R from the surrounding area, a small group of young well-dressed men got together in town yesterday to hand out copies of the American Constitution to the public.  I spoke with Todd, the organizer of the protest, this morning about his motivations:

What motivated me to hand out constitutions this holiday was my growing concern of the direction of modern politics. More specifically, the bills and laws that directly effect constitutional rights. Such as the ndaa, prism, and recent confirmations that our government can and will use your personal information against you.  I don’t think we know half of what the people on Capital Hill are getting away with.  We all seem to agree that corporations and banks are in control of almost 99% of the country, and how do we know what the agenda is for people with that much power?  

I am also sick of the two party system in this country.  I turned to the one document that pretty much lays it all out like a children’s book.  The United States Constitution.

Todd and co-protestors stood on the square for 4 hours and handed out 50 copies of the Constitution.  The responses he received from the public were fairly mixed:

Some people gave us a thumbs up or an occasional beep of the horn.  Maybe 1 out of 75-100 actually stopped to get a free constitution.  There were a few deep and meaningful ‘thank you’s’, and I think one guy might have yelled profanities at us as the light turned green.  Sadly I believe 9 or 10 out of 50 people who took copies actually asked what it was about.  They really didn’t know that we just wanted citizens to be given the opportunity to read what I believe is the most important document still allowed in circulation right now.  Overall we were just happy we were doing what we did.

I asked Todd if this was something he planned on doing yearly and what message he hoped to get across with his protest. His response:

I do plan to hand out constitutions at every major American holiday that I can.  Next time I will give more notice.  The main message I want to get across is that nothing is going to change without people getting off of their complacent behinds and doing something about it.  If you don’t like minor things in your life like your job, relationships, etc., that’s all on you.  But in the case of the government who you feel is not representing its people of past and present to your standards, it’s up to US.  People just need to wake up.

So if you are interested in joining in for these future protests, Gettysburg Wire will be there to take note and offer support.

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