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Today is Pennsylvania Day, Lets Celebrate!

Today is National Pennsylvania Day, so we’re taking a little time to recognize our great state (or rather, commonwealth), and the fact that we live in one of the best small towns in the country, let alone Pennsylvania, Gettysburg!

Lets learn some fun facts about Pennsylvania:

  • We’re the second state to join the union
  • Philadelphia used to be the temporary capital of the United States
  • We’re called the “Keystone State” because of the many keystones we had a role in with the history of the United States. Not the least of which is the signing of the Declaration of Independence. This also probably led to our state slogan “State of Independence”
  • We have tons of state parks that helps create an insurmountable beauty in our landscape
  • Daniel Boone’s homestead was located in Pennsylvania
  • We are known for amazing foods thanks to our Pennsylvania Dutch and Swiss families
  • Lets not forget we are the chocolate capital of the United States. How sweet it is!
  • The first baseball stadium in the U.S. was built in Pittsburgh
  • Philadelphia was the home of the first computer, the first police officer, AND the first daily newspaper
  • The first American flag was made in Philadelphia by Betsy Ross

Pennsylvania day

How about a few fun facts about Gettysburg?:

  • The founder of the Studebaker Corporation was born in Gettysburg
  • Furniture Production was a very large industry in Gettysburg in the early 1900’s
  • We have a bilingual monthly cultural magazine called Raices De Todos
  • You can find old digital copies of the old “Adams County News” newspaper that was published in the early 1900’s
  • 20,000 acres of our land in Adams County is dedicated to fruit production and we often have the nickname of the “Apple Capital of the U.S.”
  • Adams County is named after the second President of the United States, John Adams
  • Adams County’s motto is “Digitus Meus Trahere”, though I have no idea what that means
  • Most of the rural landscape and 19th century roadway pattern remains in tact since creation

Got more facts about Adams County? Let us know!

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