Gettysburg Wire ACE Awards

Presenting the Gettysburg Wire ACE (Adams County Elite) Awards!

The ACE Awards are something slightly different. While there are certainly other fantastic award programs out there that we always encourage other businesses to participate in, we’ve seen a lot of complaints that none were soley for Adams County, but involved York County businesses as well.

Well not anymore!

Adams County Elite (ACE) Awards are specifically for ONLY Adams County businesses. Each fall we’ll open up voting for the VERY ELITE and BEST businesses for that year, and YOU get to vote for the winners.

For this first year, we’re going to open it up to first and second place winners. We may increase that to a third-place winner if the awards program continues to grow.

Be sure to read the rules to the right!

Vote for your Business ACE!

  • Your Votes

  • Food

  • Tourism & Activities

  • Shopping

  • Organizations

  • Professional Services

  • Resources

  • Create your own category!

    If your category isn't listed, but you feel like it should be, add it below! If we get multiple selections for that category, we'll add it and include it in the ballot next year!

    Add as many as you'd like!

  • CategoryMy Business Vote 

Note: We reserve the right to verify entries. This form logs your IP address so multiple entries from the same IP will be questioned.


Rules for the ACE Awards

  1. Your name and email are required (you can't submit it without your name anyway).
  2. Vote in a minimum of 10 categories for you vote to qualify.
  3. Voting is currently only done online through this form.
  4. You can vote once per person.
  5. The business you vote for MUST have an Adams County Pennsylvania address. All others will be disregarded
  6. Businesses cannot bribe for votes
  7. Voting starts November 11th 2019 and will end December 11th 2019 at midnight EST
  8. Winners will be announced December 20th and will be given a graphic badge and the opportunity to purchase a resin display for their office

April Business of the Month

New Adams County Podcast!

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