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Eating Gluten-Free in Gettysburg

It’s not something most people think about, but there are those who live in or visit Gettysburg that eat gluten-free.  This is either by need, such as those with Celiac Disease, or by choice, such as those who eat the paleo/primal diet.

Gluten Free GettysburgDonald and I fall into that second category.

We were visiting Mom’s Coffee Pot the other day, which we only tried for the first time recently, and discovered from “Mom” herself that there were additional gluten-friendly restaurants in Gettysburg.  I might add, we were very pleased with our visit to Mom’s.  We went in without expectations, and left feeling like we had visited our Aunt’s cozy cottage for great coffee and conversation.  We went back a week later and took my father, and he himself had a great time.

Might I add she has gluten-free chocolate goodies?  I’m sold!

Anyway, back to other gluten-free restaurants. We decided to compile a list of the locations we were aware of that served some gluten-free options.  This isn’t a comprehensive list, and I hope that if you know of an additional location that you will let us know on Facebook or in the comments!  Again, we’re looking at local restaurants to support local businesses, not large chains 🙂

Gluten-Free Local Restaurants in Gettysburg and Adams County:

  • Mom’s Coffee Pot (NOW CLOSED)– A breakfast and brunch coffee shop with soups, sandwiches, and gluten-free delicacies
  • Deliso’s Pizza – Gluten free pizza, as the owners and some of the employees are gluten-free advocates!  We went there for my birthday for the first time and had their gluten-free pizza.  It was delicious (I love the crunchy texture), but our service experience was questionable.  We intend to go back and hope that it was just a mishap for this particular incident. UPDATE: We’ve become a regular after getting to know the owners. We highly recommend Deliso’s!
  • Dobbin House Tavern – While they don’t specifically list gluten-free items, they have a large assortment of gluten-friendly items on their menu.  Vegetarian entree’s and some great meaty dishes.  We have not eaten here yet, but it is in our itinerary.
  • Tommy’s Pizza – They have a gluten-free crust listed under their specialty pizzas.  We have not yet eaten here either, but we are definitely going to try their gluten-free here soon, as we entirely love pizza!
  • Blue Parrot Bistro – Like Dobbin House, they don’t specifically list gluten-free items, but their menu has a few gluten-friendly items such as some salads and meaty entree’s that don’t appear to include breading.
  • Sidney Willoughby Run – This is a newer restaurant in the area, but I drive by there all the time.  They tout on their website that they are experience with gluten-free dining, which is promising.  They are on our list of locations to visit and review as well.
  • Mr. G’s Icecream – Mom’s told us that Mr. G’s also has gluten-friendly items.  We have gotten icecream there before, but have not looked into their gluten-free items yet.  This is something we’ll have to investigate.  Because they don’t have a website, I can’t look at their menu.  Hey guys, I do web development/design, and I’m local!  The same goes to Deliso’s!  I’d love to work on websites for you both :D.
  • New Oxford Coffee’ Co. – When I worked in York, I used to drive by this place all the time at the circle in New Oxford.  I kept meaning to stop in after seeing signs for Gluten-free items, but still have not.  I am interested in seeing what they have in their bakery that is gluten-free.
  • The Inn at Herr Ridge – They list on their menus that they have gluten-free dietary options.  Their items look very custom and delicious, so I suspect anything gluten-free here will be an experience 🙂

Note: I’d always be sure when requesting meat dishes at any of these locations, that you ask they not include breaded covers and let the know you are gluten-free. You’d be surprised at the meat dishes that still include gluten.  For example: KFC “Grilled” chicken is still covered in wheat.  Who knew grilled chicken required breading still??

Again, if you know of a local Adams County restaurant  add to this list, let us know!

1 Comment

  • The Ugly Mug has some gluten free options for their sandwiches, wraps and arepas (Venezulan corn bread). They realize cross-contamination issues. Give them a try.

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