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Gettysburg Discussion: February 2015

Open Commentary in Gettysburg PAThe Gettysburg Discussion is a monthly thread we will post on the Gettysburg Wire that allows us to discuss topics, issues, and concerns with our neighbors in Adams County.  Here you can ask questions, share any news, voice a concern, pretty much anything you want.  The only requirements are that it relates to Adams County and that you remain civil.

So leave a comment to start things off 🙂  You are welcome to use pseudonyms.


  • I will start off. Donald and I visited the new Gettysburg Bakery on the square recently, since they just opened right next to Hauser.

    We highly recommend their soups and desserts. I’ve had their Cauliflower and Leek soup, and Butternut Squash and pepper soup, and loved both. Very full of flavor. Their peanut butter and chocolate “pudding” or their chocolate and vanilla mousse (?) were also divine.

    Anyone else check them out yet?

    • We stopped by this week. We bought loaves of bread to take home. One had cranberries and nuts, one was pre-sliced for sandwiches. Both are great with soup. We requested a ham-thing that had just come out of the oven but found she had given us a fruit turnover when we got home. No problem, it was delicious. Worth the trip. Very nice!

  • i was curious about the post you guys made the other day about the retirement village behind Giant. Did we ever find out what happened there?

    • Hi James,

      We honestly have not heard the details about that, but hopefully someone else can chime in.

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