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Gettysburg Wire Wish-Giving 2017

Gettysburg Wire Wish-GiverThe holiday season always makes us personally feel more thankful and “nicer” than we do throughout the rest of the year. People tend to be more giving and appreciative (outside of the holiday shopping madness, of course). We’re taking this opportunity to try something new that we’ve seen in other neighborhoods. We want to experiment with a Gettysburg Wire “Wish-Giving” event this year.

What is a Gettysburg Wire Wish-Giver?

Essentially we match up those who wish for something with those who are capable of giving something.

Post here in the comments or on our Facebook Page something you wish for, and browse other wishes to see if there’s something you can do for someone else.

Examples of wishes!

  • A delivery of donuts
  • Someone to come plow or shovel their driveway in the next snow
  • A bike for a young child in need
  • A free haircut for an elderly relative
  • A graphic made for an event you wish to put on
  • Someone to help cut down and deliver a christmas tree
  • A night out for dinner at a local restaurant for someone who cannot easily afford it
  • A family photo session

Several of these examples we have actually donated ourselves over the years, so we know they are doable and within the realms of possibilities for some people.

The goal is to be realistic with requests. Obviously we’re not expecting people to wish for and receive things like a new car, a house, a new roof, or things like that. After all, the mission behind Gettysburg Wire has always been to strengthen and support our community here in Adams County in whatever way possible. This is our own little slice of heaven, so if we can make it more enjoyable and sustainable for all residents and businesses here, then that’s what we aim to do. Every little bit helps 🙂

So if you are in the giving spirit this year, and can fullfill someone’s wish, definitely let them (or us) know. We would absolutely LOVE to acknowledge you (and/or your business) for your good deed.


  • I wish I had a gift card to Giant for groceries so we could have a big holiday meal . There’s 5 of us.
    I also wished I could go shopping for groceries and buy cool holiday foods like others do. .

    • How much of a Giant card would allow you to do this?

  • Agatha, any amount would be helpful. No amount is too small.

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